
How to Safely Share Child Photos Online

In the first part of this guide, we discussed the dangers of sharing child photos online. There are concerns you need to be aware of, but that does not mean you cannot post pictures at all. In this half, we will explain the safe way to share child photos online so you can spread those special memories.

Keep Your Account and Your Posts Private

Before you share photos on social media, make sure your account is private. Also make sure that the post itself is private because you can adjust the privacy settings for each post individually. If you want to share a memory online, you need to be in control of who views it.

Also, be aware of the people following you on social media. Set your accounts so that you have to screen followers – they cannot automatically follow you without permission. This will ensure that your photos are only seen by people you trust.

Turn off Location Tags

If Facebook or Instagram offers to tag the location of a photo, disable that feature. This is a tool predators can use to find your child’s location. Also be careful about the details you include in the description. Rather than stating the name of a restaurant, just say “dinner with family.” Instead of naming a town you visited, just say “vacation.” Be as vague as possible.

Avoid Posting Photos in Swimsuits, in the Bathtub, or Similar Situations

Child predators can use any photo inappropriately, but they are often drawn to photos that could be considered suggestive. Avoid posting anything with your child in a swimsuit or naked. Yes, this even applies to young children who are still in diapers. It is unfortunate that there are people out there who will use these photos inappropriately, but the fact is that they exist.

Post Vacation Photos after You Get Home

Instead of posting vacation photos in the moment, wait until you get home. This will prevent someone from finding you while you are in an unfamiliar environment. It will also give you time to sort through your photos so you can carefully select which ones you want to share.

Be Mindful of Your Photo Backgrounds

Predators look for clues in the background of photos. A street sign or a noteworthy building may give them enough information to find your child. Stick with simple backgrounds, such as blank walls or greenery.

Only Share What’s Truly Important

You don’t have to share every moment of every day online. In fact, it’s better to cherish those moments on your own. You can still take tons of photos, but you don’t have to post them all. Send them to your spouse while he or she is at work, or just store them on your phone for your own viewing. That is the best way to protect your child.

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